Wednesday, May 4, 2011

The Wheeled voyage Bag Tragedy

You're seeing pretty hot. You've been mentally preparing for your grand entrance the whole flight long. It's been weeks since you've last seen your indispensable other, and you're ready to let them see why waiting for you was the right thing to do. You use the rest room to polish up. Then you suck-up the twittering butterflies in your stomach and walk towards the sliding doors in arrivals. Out of nowhere, hitting you from your blind side, the proverbial spanner goes and throws itself into the works.

"Oh, no," you shout out as you look down at your battered suitcase, "it's missing a wheel." And not just a wheel: one wheel out of a two-part team. Without the missing wheel, the other wheel means nothing, sort of like Harry without Lloyd. "Oh, no."

Travel Duffles

You weigh up your options.

There are no trolleys in site. In the middle of your foreign forays and the extra time you spent on grooming, you've kept your other half waiting for long sufficient now. There's no time. The last thing you need is for them to lose patience. You want your reunion to be like a scene from an eighties romance movie, not a Laurel and Hardy sketch.

You do your best to reconcile with the pitiful image you're going to generate by dragging your rickety, bockety suitcase after you like a bum leg. So much for seeing drop dead gorgeous. So much for seeing cooler than cool. Your heart beats from your boots.

"I'm hideous," you tell yourself. "I wish I had bought a great suitcase. I'm so cheap."

Out you go, lamb to the slaughter, teeth gritted from cringing so hard. And then it happens: your suitcase crashes to its side under the strain of the irrational weight distribution, letting out a noise as startlingly sudden as a gun-shot. Citizen let out involuntary shrieks before realising it was just you; with your cheap suitcase. Your other half reassures staring passers-by with a look that says, "Don't mind her; she's just a bit flakey."

And there it is: you're a flake with cheap luggage, not Julia Roberts in Versace.

It's a veritable tragedy tale. Lesson: spend in a trustworthy travel bag.

The Wheeled voyage Bag Tragedy

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